Saturday, February 11, 2006

Stop Whining and Complaining

This is a letter I wrote to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times:

Stop whining and complaining, Dan Turner. Your article, "Taking the Rapid out of Transit" (Sunday, February 5, 2006; ) is both unfair and counter-productive. Why pick on the airport route and discourage people from using mass transit? The main goal of our transit system should be to get people out of cars and onto buses and trains. Far more people commute to work every day than go to the airport. And for commuting, the LA transit system can be very effective. Learn about it, don't just trash it. You might start on the MTA web site, or an MTA transit map. In fact, if you had, you would have seen that the best way to get from your home in the Hollywood Hills to LAX is by bus, not train. Just a little over one hour travel time, not the three hours it took you. Your stubborn insistence to take the train is why it took you so long.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Google located your "Bus Man" blog site immediately.

I hope you caught a bus without a long wait after I dropped you off Friday.

FYI: The "Metrolink Matters" publication is a glossy flyer that issues monthly. The flyer is free for the taking on the Metrolink train. The May 06 edition's lead article discusses a 5.5% Metrolink fare increase starting July 1. The article reports that every five cent incrase in the price of fuel results in a $300,000 annual jump in the cost to operate the Metrolink train system. Given the huge recent fuel cost increases, there have been multiple five cent jumps, which does not portend well from Metrolink tains.

Also, interesting, the article states the Metrolink ticket price covers only 44% of the actual cost. Hence, my current round trip $17.25 fair, translates into an actual $39.20 cost. Until I read this, I assumed my paid fare covered the actual cost. But it doesn't. Not good. We must either (a) find a substitute for oil/gas to fuel our travel, or (b) develop additional sources of oil/gas, to lower the cost.

Talk to you later, Mr. Bus Man. I enjoyed what I saw of your blog ... though I am uncertain if I saw your entire blog site.

Howard ... suffering Angel fan.

12:03 PM  

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